911ShareTheTruth.com Secure Online Order Form

Thank you for supporting us! We greatly appreciate your help in this critical effort. - You can easily order these resources in one of the following four ways:

  1. Order Online with a Credit Card or by PayPal - Fill in the form and click submit at the bottom. You will be taken to another secure page where you can enter your credit card information or check out using PayPal.
  2. Mail Your Order - Fill out the form, choose "Check/Money Order" as your payment method and click the "Submit Order" button. You will be taken to a page that you can print and mail in. The page you will mail in has our mailing address on it. (Please make your check out to: Progressive Promotions, P.O. Box 600, Bayside CA 95524)
    (CA residents must include 8.25% sales tax please)
  3. Fax Us Your Order - Just fill out the form and fax it to us at 707-268-8985 - 24 hours a day
  4. Call Us for Free - Phone in Your Order - Just call us at 707-672-4242

Please note that the minimum order for credit cards is $20.00

For orders totaling less than $20.00:
Please choose "Check/Money Order" as your payment type and mail
us a check or money order for the correct amount to
Progressive Promotions, PO Box 600, Bayside, CA 95524.

For shipments outside the USA (including Canada), please call us at 707-672-4242
