Showing 1–48 of 49 results

Hippie Buttons, Pinbacks & Magnets

Whether you are of the original Woodstock hippie generation or a millennial turned modern-day flower child, you’ll find lots to love in our section of hippie-themed pinback buttons. Pin a peace sign, psychedelic smiley, or happy hippie statement to your jacket, hat, purse or backpack and let your freak flag fly! Any button can also be made into a round magnet to lively up your refrigerator, locker, filing cabinet or any metal surface. Make sure you also visit our selection of Music and Musician buttons and round magnets, which celebrate many greats from the 60s and 70s.

Laptop Stickers & Small Stickers - Magnets

Flowery Groovy Retro Peace Sign – Small Bumper Sticker / Decal

SKU: MS546-b

4" X 4"

SKU: KS536

6.125" X 2"

SKU: B1299

Buttons / Pinbacks / Magnets

Flower Child – Button (1.5″)

SKU: B1247

Buttons / Pinbacks / Magnets

LOVE – Button / Pinback or Magnet (1.25″)

SKU: B1221

Buttons / Pinbacks / Magnets

Love – Button / Pinback or Magnet (1.25″)

SKU: B1101

SKU: B0962