Personal Growth Large Bumper Stickers & Magnets
At Peace Resource Project we believe in a person’s power to change the world, and we’ve been developing resources with messages to help in doing so for over 35 years. It never hurts to be reminded that the most local sort of change – that of our own attitudes and actions – is among the most important kind of change. When we grow as individuals in our capacity to be loving, accepting, and forward-thinking, we increase our capacity to help the world. So begin within, do unto others, do small things with great love, and be the change you wish to see in the world! Our personal growth bumper stickers and bumper magnets will remind you of these and other worthy principles every day.
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
5.88" X 2.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
7.5" X 2.5" various streaks

Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
7" X 2.25" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker

Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
7.75" X 2.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
If You’re Having Fun then You’re Doing It Right – Bumper Sticker / Decal or Magnet
9.5" X 2.375" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
9" X 2.875" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
8.875" X 2.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
You Were Only Waiting For This Moment To Arise – Bumper Sticker / Decal or Magnet
9" X 2.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
8.875" X 2.375" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
8.875" X 2.375" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker

Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me – Bumper Sticker / Decal or Magnet
9" X 2.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
3" X 5.5" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker
Bumper Stickers & Magnets - Large
Turn Your Face to the Sun and the Shadows Fall Behind You – Maori Proverb – Bumper Sticker / Decal or Magnet
9.2" X 2.25" Can be ordered as either a regular bumper sticker or magnetic bumper sticker