On January 20, 2005, a Jazz Funeral for Democracy was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Thousands of concerned citizens, war veterans, and persons of peace from all walks of life came together to exercise their version of political and social activism. They marched and spoke out against the inauguration of George W. Bush. They joined hands and gave countless reasons why there should not be any Iraq-Afghan Oil wars. They carried signs in protest of the Patriot Act as they shouted, Impeach Bush!
As the corporate media dishes out its’ version of the war on terror, gruesome photos of Iraq war casualties, civilian, soldier and child alike find there way into the picture galleries of independent media blogs.
This is the documentation of that daunting moment in American history, when we were and still are represented with a government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations.
The DVD is a record of a traditional New Orleans Jazz Funeral, mourning the death of America, protesting the war in Iraq, speaking out, standing up and coming together to say that the free-spirit of the American soul will rise forth to overcome this tyranny. To say we will spread the message of truth and justice, and will crush the lies and evil of the neocons and their corporate controlled media.
This film is a documentary of peace and protest showing the strength and solidarity of the anti-war movement in the New Orleans community. You will see and hear this Jazz Funeral for Democracy where the Patriot Act was burned; its ashes tossed into the Mississippi River.
A portion of the proceeds from this film go to ‘Save Our Wetlands’, a Louisiana based non-profit dedicated to the preservation of wetlands and to developing educational programs for environmental awareness and ecological improvement.